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  • A Worrisome Trend: More Cases Of Liver Cancer

    A Worrisome Trend: More Cases Of Liver Cancer

    Your liver has a lot of responsibilities. It filters toxins from your blood, makes bile to digest fats, produces substances that help blood clot and makes, stores and releases sugar for energy. So when cancer strikes the liver, it's serious.Primary liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) starts in the liver, but it can also develop in the cells that line bile ducts in the liver ...

  • NYP Examines The Evolution Of Bone Marrow Transplantation

    NYP Examines The Evolution Of Bone Marrow Transplantation

    Bone marrow and stem cell transplantation have evolved into a standard of care for people with blood cancers, and its use is only expected to grow. For some patients with leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and myelodysplastic syndromes, such a transplant offers hope for a cure. With new approaches to reduce risk and novel ways to use transplants, more people are now eligible for this ...

  • Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented?

    Can Breast Cancer Be Prevented?

    The short answer is not always. However, there are steps women can take to reduce their risk and find cancer early should it develop.There are certain causes of breast cancer that women can't change, such as advanced age or a family history of the disease. Others, however, are within control:Get moving and eat healthily: Obesity is becoming one of the most common risk factors for ...

  • NYP Treats Cancer With Pinpoint Precision

    NYP Treats Cancer With Pinpoint Precision

    In 1895, German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen first produced x-rays, ushering in an era of radiation science. More than a century later, a wide array of radiation therapy approaches have been developed to shrink and destroy cancerous tumors.Since radiation was first harnessed to treat cancer, radiation oncologists -- the doctors who oversee patients' radiation therapy -- have ...

  • Does Screening Save Lives? NYP Explains Pros And Cons Of Prostate Tests

    Does Screening Save Lives? NYP Explains Pros And Cons Of Prostate Tests

    As they age, all men become vulnerable to prostate cancer, which is the second most common cancer in men in the United States. As with many cancers, the keys to lowering the risk for prostate cancer are knowledge, early detection and careful management of the disease.Prostate cancer screening can detect the disease in its earlier, more curable stages, when treatment is more likely to be ...

  • Colorectal Cancer: A Preventable Cancer Affecting Young Patients

    Colorectal Cancer: A Preventable Cancer Affecting Young Patients

    Colorectal cancer, the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States, is on the decline. However, while often diagnosed in patients over 50, there has been a recent dramatic increase in colorectal cancer in younger patients, with approximately 15 percent found in those under 50.Thanks to regular screening through colonoscopy and early detection, colorectal cancer can be ...

  • Know The Risks And Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

    Know The Risks And Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer

    Bladder cancer isn’t a high-profile disease; however, as the fourth most common cancer in the U.S., greater awareness of its risk factors and symptoms could be lifesaving. Fortunately, bladder cancer is highly treatable when detected early.Bladder cancer begins when the cells lining the walls of the bladder begin to grow at a rapid rate. The majority of bladder cancers that develop are ...

  • Does Diabetes Pose A Cancer Risk? NYP Explains Potential Correlation

    Does Diabetes Pose A Cancer Risk? NYP Explains Potential Correlation

    Affecting millions of Americans each year, diabetes poses numerous and significant health risks. And, research examining the correlation between diabetes and cancer has discovered a potential link between the two diseases.Doctors have found those who have type 2 diabetes may also be at risk for cancer, as people with the blood disorder are twice as likely to get liver, pancreatic, ...

  • Take Your Lumps And Bumps Seriously: Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Sarcoma

    Take Your Lumps And Bumps Seriously: Know The Signs And Symptoms Of Sarcoma

    It’s natural to be concerned if you find a new lump or bump on your body. While the odds are that it’s nothing serious, there is a small chance a growth may be a sarcoma, a rare type of cancer that originates in bone and soft tissue. Incredibly uncommon -- sarcomas account for less than one percent of adult cancers and 15 percent in children -- the disease is often not recognized or ...

  • Lung Cancer: The Ultimate Women’s Health Issue

    Lung Cancer: The Ultimate Women’s Health Issue

    Many people are surprised to learn that lung, not breast cancer, is the number one cancer killer of women in the United States.Although smoking contributes to the majority of lung cancer cases, development in never-smokers is now considered the sixth most common cause of cancer death in the United States, and is more prevalent in women than men. To unravel this mystery, scientists are ...

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